April 25, 2017
6 th grade Math students designed tiny houses using perimeter and area. Then they used their blueprints and constructed 3D models of their houses. When finished, students had t...

March 28, 2017
The following is the list of events for the Military Child Club for the month of April. April 1 st – 1000 – Hiking at the Charon’s Garden area of the refuge. We will start at t...

February 12, 2017
Some CMS students spent the afternoon in the library attending African-American Heritage Month Teen Conference XXIV: The Crisis in Black Education, sponsored by The National Pan H...
February 9, 2017
Please help CMS improve delivery of educational services to your child by responding to this short but valuable survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSee_-aI5shYlGk_8i...
February 9, 2017
FYI Parents: Picture packets will be coming home with your child soon.
December 1, 2016
The eight graders at CMS got to experience the "Tech Know Zone" at the Great Plains Technology Center. TKZ is a career exploration event that lets students get hands-on experience...
November 8, 2016
CMS made the Lawton Constitution today with their participation in the election process. Read more at http://www.swoknews.com/local/central-middle-schoo...
October 29, 2016
Congrats to Emma Sanchez, she's an 8th grader at CMS and has won the Lawton Public Library's Redesign a Book Cover Contest. Emma was awarded a $50 Gift Card.
September 17, 2016
As the weather begins to cool remember that winter clothing must follow the school dress code. Any solid color, no emblem or design. http://www.lawtonps.org/o/central-middle/pa...
September 17, 2016
Our knowledgeable and supportive first responders contribute to the successes of #TeamLawton each week! Whether it's reading books in elementary schools or giving presentatio...
September 17, 2016
Working with 8th grade agri-science and 4-H students in her capacity as a counselor at Central Middle School, Mrs. Glenda Brown’s recent numerous wins at the Comanche County Fai...
August 19, 2016
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to LPS! Welcome to our new Lawton Public Schools website! We are excited to roll out more than two dozen webpages reflecting each district location...
August 17, 2016
Child Find Program Lawton Public Schools offers a comprehensive system of “Child Find.” “Child Find” is a requirement of both Federal and State law. It mandates that each schoo...
August 17, 2016
Central Middle School has adopted modified dress code requirements for students this year, which include the following in addition to the admittance of crew neck shirts in solid c...
August 17, 2016
Mr. Blake Thomas taught Biology I and science at Eisenhower Junior High School for five years. During that time he also coached football and boys' basketball. Mr. Thomas then serv...