About Us


Our Facility

Central Middle School is located at 1201 NW Ft. Sill Boulevard, opened its doors in January 2003. Building statistics include 187,000 square feet, affording space for 209 rooms including 58 classrooms, two gymnasiums, an auditorium with seating for nearly 1,000, and a large library-media center. In addition, a spacious kitchen is located off a large multipurpose dining and activities area.

Our Mission

Growing students who are able to pursue any career path they choose by building a strong academic foundation and igniting their curiosity by providing a broad range of experiences in, and out of, the classroom.

School Creed

I am a proud Central Cougar.
Everyday I choose to learn.
I choose to trust my teachers, administrators and staff.
I choose to respect others and myself.
I choose honesty and compassion in my daily life.
I believe the choices I make today will affect my tomorrow.
I am a proud Central Cougar.

Lawton-Ft. Sill Community

Lawton - Ft. Sill is the fourth largest metropolitan area in Oklahoma with a total population nearing 100,000. The main industry is the military base followed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. The median income, as noted in the 2000 census, is $28,736.

The community exhibits a positive, progressive attitude toward learning and views it as a life-long process. Validity of this statement is shown by:

1. The educational attainment of its adult citizenry
2. The presence of a strong career-tech system and Cameron University
3. The availability of non-school programs and facilities that enhance continued learning
4. The direct support of schools by businesses and organizational entities


CMS has a diverse population of over 900 students.

Click here to learn more from our official school profile!

Attendance Area & Transportation

CMS provides services for students who reside in Ft. Sill family housing or in the community areas bordered on the north by Rogers Lane, the east by Highway 281, the south by Bishop Road and the west by a meandering line extending from 11th Street and 15th Street to Sheridan Road.

Bus services are provided for 60% of the total enrollment. This number has a definite impact on the potentiality of developing extensive extracurricular programs. Coaches and club sponsors not only plan activities, practice sessions and game strategies, but also give consideration to arranging ways home for students who families often do not have access to personal transportation. City support is given through the offering of reduced student rates for youngsters who choose to ride the LATS buses.
