If your 8th grader still has a Chromebook you will need to return it to the school. They will be assigned a new one when they start school in the fall. You may drop it off to the office Monday through Thursday.
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
chromebook return
New link to the live stream of 8th grade promotion https://youtu.be/c1m5ljBWQeo
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
CMS families, Below is the link to the live stream of the CMS 8th grade promotion! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/16PRelBnma4
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
8th grade promotion link
CMS Family: our power has been restored. We are back to normal operations. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LHS and CMS families: Our buildings are currently without power. PSO is actively working to restore power. We will let you know when it is back up. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
CMS Families, We will be collecting library books this week in the CMS library. Please help your student remember to return their books. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
library book return
Don't forget that this Thursday is 8th grade promotion! There will be a live stream link shared that morning for those who cannot attend.
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
Blue 8th grade promotion post
Not able to make it to the CMS 8th grade promotion? No worries! We will be sharing a link to the Live Stream of 8th grade promotion on the morning of May, 19th. Be sure to give friends and family a heads up!
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
blue and red reminder about live stream for 8th grade promotion
UPDATE: (12:13 pm) We have received the ALL-CLEAR from law enforcement officials. Law enforcement officials have thoroughly searched the building and determined it is safe for us to return to classrooms and continue the school day as normal. Students who were not picked up are currently eating lunch and will return to CMS after. We will continue normal operations for the remainder of the school day. We want to thank our law enforcement partners and first responders that helped in today’s incident. Safety is always our greatest priority, and we want to thank all students, staff and parents for their cooperation. Law enforcement will continue to investigate this incident to determine who was responsible for the threat. We ask all LPS families to please remind students that threats — even those intended to be a joke or a hoax — are serious in nature and can result in significant legal and disciplinary consequences. We appreciate your support of Lawton Public Schools.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
UPDATE: (10:47 am) The situation is still under investigation and students are still safe with staff. But if you would like to pick up your child you may do so. Please bring your ID card to the Lawton High School main gym. Enter through the south entrance, off of Ferris Ave. Utilize the parking lot to pick up your student, please do not block traffic. For those who remain, students will be fed lunch. We will continue normal operations when we receive the all clear.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
UPDATE (10:22 am) CMS Family: We are working with law enforcement regarding a phone call made of a bomb threat. Students are w/staffing & have evacuated. For the safety of all, please do not come up to the building. We will update as soon as possible.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
CMS Family: We are working with law enforcement regarding a phone call made of a bomb threat. Students are w/staffing & have evacuated. For the safety of all, please do not come up to the building. We will update as soon as possible.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Dear CMS Families, Please read this information regarding student devices. All current 6th and 7th grade students will keep their Chromebooks and chargers over the summer break. All 8th grade students will have their devices collected May 16th-19th after semester tests. All hotspots will need to be returned to the school before May 20th. *If you do not wish for your student to keep their device over the summer, please fill out this Google Form https://forms.gle/hZqEc3Y2Z6sua9j6A
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
student device information on blue background
https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/104/District/1322678/Middle_School_Catalog_5_4_22.pdf 6th and 7th grade students only! Dear Parents: The link above is the middle school catalog for pre-enrollment. Please look over the electives for your child and decide the top 4 choices. They need only to pick out their electives and be ready to enroll on Tuesday, May 10th, for 6th grade and Wednesday, May 11th, for 7th grade. We will place them in their core classes. You can also go to Lawtonps.org, families and Lawton Middle School Catalog. Thank you, Counselors Debbie Bailey, 7th Patty Campbell 7th Glenda Brown 8th Jerry Slawson 8th
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
pre-enrollment info on mint green background.
Students interested in playing volleyball at Lawton High School for the 2022-23 school year are invited to attend an information meeting. The meeting will be on May 17th at 5:00 PM in Central Middle School's gymnasium. Please enter the building through the east doors. If you have questions, contact Genesis Gonzales at genesis.gonzales@lawtonps.org
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
volleyball information meeting
Softball parent meeting this Thursday, May 5th, at 6pm in the LHS cafeteria
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
Softball parent meeting information
Please review the OSTP testing schedule. Testing will resume this week starting with 6th grade make-ups.
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
Calendar for OSTP testing
Attention CMS Families, 6th Grade OSTP Testing starts tomorrow, Wednesday, April 20th, and Thursday, April 21st. Please have your student charge their Chromebook and bring their charger to school. Cell phones will be put up before the test. No smart watches or other electronic devices should be brought to school.
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
pink image of calendar with testing dates
Presentation of Academic Letters and Bars today, April 14th, at 9:30AM in Central Auditorium.
over 2 years ago, Lora Miller
yello reminder image about letters and bars ceremony
The information you have all been waiting for! The 8th grade promotion will be help on May 19th, 2022 at 9:00 am in the CMS auditorium. Please make arrangements to help us celebrate our 8th graders! #CMSCougarStrong #WeAreLPS
almost 3 years ago, Lora Miller
Blue and Yellow 8th grade promotion image.